Rahji Abdurehman, rabdureh
Ben Stallworth, bstallwo
Tom Kelly, tjkelly
Anqi Dong, adong

We all have different musical preferences. As we learned over the course of the semester, Professor Kernighan enjoys classical music. Yet what happens when he's at a party and the DJ is playing rap music? We aren't sure, and here is where ASKDj comes in. ASKDj is our iPhone app which allows a DJ and his or her audience to interact. After a DJ makes a party on the app, uploads his or her music, and invites audience members to the room, they are able to view what music is available and indicate their preferences through voting. The DJ then chooses what music he or she wants to play based on these preferences - making for a much simpler system than commonly found at loud, crowded parties!

How to access: we have an instance of the management server (the one coded with Django) running on Elastic Beanstalk at However, this server is not intended to be public-facing, and all client interactions should be made through the iOS app.

Contact in case of failure: Ben Stallworth

Project Webpage



Final report

Slides from demo

API specifications